What is to be done?

Coming out of OER17, and after an intense and sobering day at Coventry’s DMLL a clear sense that something needed to be done towards safety in open online learning.

A reminder that while the medium of digital learning is global, the sphere where we can make an influence is closer to home.

Some local context:

Privacy legislation that makes use of cloud services problematic on another level. (Emergence of good regional alternative.)

The consent form as pedagogic opportunity.

Yeah, we’re SPLOTting

Like this for Apps for Access to Justice (more info).

Foundations: videos from Dr. Shelly Johnson, Mukwa Musayett, Canada Research Chair in Indigenizing Higher Education at Thompson Rivers University. Context for towards-indigenizing.trubox.ca/

A platform for the Knowledge Makers, an Indigenous student research network. 2018 volume just released!

The question of open sharing and indigenous ways of knowing is not without its complications, see Kimberley Christen, “Does Information Really Want to be Free? Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Question of Openness”.  And the Mukurtu CMS: an open source, free, standards-based community archive and content management system aimed at the specific needs of indigenous peoples globally.

But results can be powerful: